God's Perfect Gift
Disability through the eyes of a child

Now available to purchase on Amazon.com (search Special Education is Especially Fun!) and my website https://godperfectgift.com.
“Special Education is Especially Fun!” as told through the eyes of a child, shines a light on the brilliance of disabled children. They play with lots of special toys that help them to learn so many new things like driving the new power wheelchair and making the toy doggy walk and bark. They work hard because they love to learn and school makes learning so much fun!!!
Buy Now: amazon.com or https://godperfectgift.com. Purchases from website can be personally autographed.
The children’s picture book series “God’s Perfect Gift Disability through the eyes of a child” is written to share the challenges many intellectually and developmentally disabled children face in order to live and experience life the same as healthy children who do not live with disability.
God’s Perfect Gift is the embodiment of their examples of unstoppable courage, strong will and determination, kind heartedness, unconditional love, goodness and inner beauty.